Friday, October 31, 2014

ロンドンの旅行記 6番

今朝は 晴れでした。トレインで Windsor Castleに 行きました。とても 立派な建物です。そして、綺麗な眺めです。
Windsor Castle
One interesting fact: the flag tells if the queen is in the castle - UK flag if not, and the other if so. I liked the walls a lot - the stones are reminiscent of those used to build Rocky college.
Windsor Castle
A lot of references about St George's too.
St George's Cathedral
Going Uphill to the Round Castle
St George's Cathedral
Then I went into the state department, which is unfortunately photo forbidden. There we toured around the inside of the castle and visited the rooms in sequence: guards room, queen's/king's drawing room, queen's dressing room, king's chamber room, etc. All very exquisitely decorated, full of paintings and antiques. I think most European-style castles are quite similar. The rooms has similar setup and decorations like those in the Austrian palaces, perhaps not as extravagant as Neuschwanstein,

今晩 Oxfordに 行きました。友達に 会いました。とても 楽しっかたです。Happy to know my classmates are as monstrous as ever, topping the class etc. Good news travels fast! :p
Christ Church College
Radcliffe Camera Library
St. Mary's Church
明日 飛行機で ニューヨークに 帰ります。ロンドンの旅行は 終わります。残念ですね!
じゃあ、さようなら!プリンストンで 勉強しましょう!


  1. はじめまして!わたしはまりです。コロンビアのだいがくのにねんせいです。イギリスへいきましたか。This past summer I studied at Eton College--just across the river from Windsor Castle! I was there for a week, and during the first few days the British flag flew over the castle--I heard that she was attending some Royal Lawn Bowling game or something posh like that. What colleges did you see at Oxford? My sister did her masters at Christ Church! イギリスはいいですね。

    1. wow I actually passed by Eton! I visited Christ Church and the courtyard is really beautiful. I also toured around the colleges along the major streets, unfortunately I couldn't remember because there were a lot and they tend to concentrate together.
      どうぞよろしく!まりさんのせんこうはなんですか。わたしのはきんゆこうがくです(financial engineering).

  2. ウーさん!

    ウーさんの ロンドン の しゃしんは とてもきれいです。 Why didn't you pack me in your suitcase and let me travel to these places too (T_T)?

    1. haha because you were writing だいがくいんのアプリケーション?:p

    2. はじめまして。わたしはスワンです。コロンビアだいがくのがくせいです。ロンドンはきれいですね。Oxfordもきれいです。そして、てんきはいいでしたね。

    3. スワンさん、はじめまして。ありがとうございます!なんねんせいですか。せんこうは なんですか。わたしは よねんせいです。せんこうは きんゆこうがくです。

  3. とてもきれいなしゃしんですね。わたしも”ロンドン”にいきたいです!
