Tuesday, March 8, 2016

京都の夏の思い出 - 2013 Princeton Global Seminar Program: Zen Buddhism


京都的人也是一样友好的。今天在Global Seminar的告别会上,我们很多的buddies都哭了;他们还是一如既往的待我们真诚,连感情流露都丝毫不掩饰。我记忆中所有的毕业典礼都是没有人哭的,要么是彼此之间感情不够深,要么就是所有人都选择用不哭来掩饰自己感情的脆弱。我还记得十五岁第一次到新加坡的时候,每天晚上大家排队打电话没有人是不哭的,我却从来没哭过,好像是因为这样才显得更坚强。其实当时无论是哭与不哭,都不能改变初次出国内心的脆弱,自己却幼稚地以为那是成熟的标志。现在想来,如果内心真够强大,又何必在意哭还是不哭?哭的时候就大声哭,笑的时候就开心笑,和京都人一样最好不过了。
京都的夏天只有一次。虽然整理了大量的照片,但就在写这篇文章的时候,当时的很多思绪和心情都已经如流沙逝于掌心,再想握也握不住了。我想,如果现在要我描述我这个夏天的经历,也许我会选择沉默,因为在京都、奈良、大阪、和歌山、神户、宇治、名古屋各处的所思所想、所见所闻,都超越了语言所能表达的范畴。它们都将和这个夏天一起,被埋藏在记忆里。What we cannot speak about we must pass over in silence.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

The Spiritual Journey that Never Ends

In this last required post for this course, I would like to circle back to the very first English post that we wrote at the beginning of last semester - why are you interested in learning Japanese?

At that time, I just thought of a bunch of things I really liked about Japan: food, architecture, calligraphy, etc. It seems that the intensity of one's interest in a language is positively correlated to the things that associate with this language that "click" with our personal desires.

But it doesn't answer the question: what do I find fulfilling in learning this language and its related expressions of human life?

The answer for me is spiritual.

My entrance into real Japanese culture is through the spiritual journey into Zen Buddhism. That summer in Kyoto is one of the turning points of my life. All the beautiful things that express Zen (peaceful mind) and speak to me from the soul.

Temples: I sat in the courtyard of Ryoanji and appreciated the simple yet deep intricacy of the stone garden. Kinkakuji is a place to feel eternity by watching the golden pavilion from faraway in awe (or fear) of its standing on its own.

Nature: lakes, trees, mountains, seas, birds, I hear the voice of life speaking to me through spirit. I remember in Wakayama, as I sat on the bus that drove on the tortuous roads in the mountains and looked at the vast blue sea, I forgot all my worries and felt great inner peace.

Ceremonies: during the Gion Matsuri, tea ceremony, celebration in the Shinto shrine, it was full of joy, serenity, sincerity, and hope from all the earnest souls.

But more importantly, things that impress our souls are the most ordinary, or sometimes even tragic.

I remember sitting in a small ramen place located in a narrow street in Kyoto, watching the chef preparing the ramen with care. There was nothing special in how he handles the noodles, but the loving and responsible attitude towards every single bowl of ramen was conveyed to me every second. I also recalled every time I bought postcards or presents, I really enjoyed the moment the shopkeeper was wrapping the gifts. That was a tranquil moment of mutual appreciation for us: the gratitude that the presents are treated with care from the customer and the happiness that the customer is satisfied with this gift from the shopkeeper.

The two history courses I took on Japanese history with Garon-sensei are very depressing and tragic-driven. One is on the bombing (atomic bomb, air raids, etc) of Japanese cities, and the other is on modern Japanese history, in which I read a bunch of books on the lost decade of the 1990s. War, death, recession, loss of hope, I heard all those voices speaking to me from the readings and videos. I heard the silent endurance of suffering and was really saddened. But the most assuring is that, even if there was all darkness during the worst times, there was always a narrow beam of light of hope, seen from the people who continued to stay together and support each other, thinking for each other's good when their very own lives are at stake.

The detective novels, especially those by Higashino Keigo, are also very grim, in the sense that he explored the evil of human nature and presented it in all possible places of a detective story. Be it motives of crime, deeds during a crime, and thoughts/interactions with other people after a crime, the sins of human nature lie bare to the eye - both shocking and grieving. But I think that, evil and good are just separated by a thin piece of paper. Extreme evil is ultimately a result of pursuing excessive goodness. Perhaps the author hopes us to be awakened by our very nature, and hence acknowledge and strive to be good.

The novels and excerpts of Haruki Murakami write straight to the deepest corners of one's soul. The unfortunate reality is that the deepest part of our soul is also the darkest, because never has there been light shone on it. But it is always reassuring that Murakami wraps it in a subtle package, telling the uncomfortable truth with sadness yet always end in hope.

Anime and drama, such as the Death Note, Liar Game, Kaiji, Hanzawa Naoki, many of them ask the questions of who we are as human beings, and what are we looking for in this life. There is never an answer, but thinking about those issues always brings some enlightenment.

I could go on and on but I am sure you got what I mean. "The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So is with everyone born of the Spirit." Learning Japanese, to me, is a spiritual journey in which one's soul witnesses, communicates, and seeks in one's life. This process is of great joy, enlightenment and pleasure.

At the end of the semester year, learning Japanese also circles back to my original starting point (makes one wonder at life in awe more), as I "ended up" adopting Christianity as truth and personal faith. On the surface it seems that I have formally ended learning Japanese in school, but the spiritual journey actually never ends and is in fact taking me to see and appreciate more things. And it is the very reason that I am able to come up with a satisfying answer to why I study Japanese.

Good luck to everyone embarking on his/her own journey with Japanese! (:

Friday, April 17, 2015

ビデオブログ ーー 子供の病気


効く(きく):to be effective
計算(けいさん):calculation (arithmetic)
守る(まもる):to preserve

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

PE 6: Reflection and Goal Statement

This semester my main goal for PE is to improve the naturalness of speech, use a variety of grammar structures to say longer sentences, and get used to casual speech. I have tried to keep up with the following:
1. Go to Japanese table every week. Now I start to go to the Forbe's table on Monday too, it is really helpful for training my listening skills and improving the speed of my speech. I also learnt a lot of useful short phrases.
2. Watch one anime episode every week. Currently following Kaiji, and sometimes I would watch drama episodes like Hanzawa Naoki. But recently I have been a bit slack on this, need to keep up.
3. Go to sensei's office hours every week. I have tried to make it twice each week, one to practice casual speech and the other for general conversation. But near midterm period I have been slack too.

What I will do for the next half of the semester:
1. Continue the above practice and don't slack.
2. Self-study some Nakama 2 chapters and try to practice the grammar structures with sensei.
3. Have more conversations with friends.

Some preparation work for continuing to learn Japanese after graduation (if possible), such as asking sensei about what materials to follow for the 2nd year and up classes.

Monday, March 23, 2015







Friday, March 20, 2015




この山は'Hui Shan'という山で、400mの高度(altitude)です。30分ぐらい登りました。自然はとてもきれいで、空気がよかったですよ。




Monday, March 16, 2015



This is the beginning of the series of my hometown entries.

